
Typical Household Possessions in 1622

Apparrell for

one man, and

so after the

rate for more.

For a whole

yeere for one

man, and so

for more after

the rate.

For one man,

but if halfe of

your men

have armour

it is sufficient

so that all

have Peeces

and swords.




For a family

of 6. persons

and so after

the rate for


For a family

of 6. persons

and so for

more or lesse

after the rate.


Household Implements.

Whosoeuer transports himself of any other at his owne charge vnto Virginia, shall for each person so transported before Midsummer 1625. haue to him and his heires for euer fifty Acres of Land vpon a first, and fifty Acres vpon a second diuision.


    • From: A Declaration of the State of the Colony and Affaires in VIRGINIA, by Henry Briggs, London, 1622, republished by Da Capo Press, NY, 1970.
    • The list is reproduced from a chart added onto the end of Mr Briggs book. It was meant as a guide for prospective colonists. This list reminds me of the ton of supplies required to be brought to the Klondike in the Gold Rush of the 19th C.
    • While I will not pretend that this list is an accurate picture of what a small landholder actually possessed in England of the Early 17thC it does give an idea of what Mr Briggs thought they should own.
    • Do not blame me for the inaccuracies of the math. I have reproduced the numbers as they are given on the chart.

My apologies to those whose web browsers do not support tables but to reproduce the chart as accurately as possible requires that I use them.

Update, June 18, 2018: Check out the album by Old England Grown New where this entire list has been recreated!