Useful Links

I have separated these into the following categories:

Merchants, Miscellaneous, Museums, Online Documents, Organisations


Gaukler Medieval Wares

A personal friend. He was made a Laurel in the SCA for his accurate jewellery and has sold some of his work to Disney.

G. Gedney Godwin

Many useful items.

Julia Smith Historic Reproductions

Reproductions of colonial era pottery. Looks fantastic and was used in productions like The Crucible. Currently a gallery of past works as she has stopped production.

James Townsend and Sons

A revolutionary war supplier but with lots of goodies for earlier periods.

Karl Robinson Leatherworker

Beautiful looking leather goods I have long admired.

Steve Millingham Pewter Replicas

Cups, spoons, jewelry and other pewter goods.

Syke's Sutlery

Supplies primarily 17thC. goods including muskets.


Reproductions of period tentage. The examples I have inspected are of excellent quality.



17th Century Reenacting Resources

An excellent collection of links and resources.

ElizabethanCommonplaces for Writers, Actors, and Re-enactors

A Compendium of Common Knowledge, 1558-1603.

The ElizabethanCostuming Page

Lots and lots of articles on costuming for men and women of the period.

Imago Mundi

Journal of the history of cartography. Not much to the site but if you can get access to a library that subscribes it is worth a look.

Shakespeares Globe

The reconstructed Globe theater on the south bank of the Thames in London.



Fortress of Louisbourg

Canadian National Park where a "Vauban" fortress is brought to life. Out of period but using the same design principles as in period.

The Geometry of War 1500 - 1750

from the Museum of the History of Science at Oxford University.

Jamestown Rediscovery

Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities is working to preserve the site of the Jamestown colony of 1607.

The Mary Rose, England

Museum dedicated to the remains of Henry VIII's ship the Mary Rose.


Reconstruction of an early 17thC. settlement in New England.

The Silverbank - National Geographic Society

Online article about a period ship.

The VASA Museum, Sweden

Dedicated to the ship that sank minutes into her voyage preserving the ship and many artifacts from c. 1630


Online Documents

From Revolution to Reconstruction and beyond

A collection of documents of American history collected at the University of Groningen in The Netherlands.

Caleb Johnsons Mayflower Web Page

Intended for genealogists, it includes many interesting documents relating to the Mayflower "plantation"

Little Woodham,1642

Village of Little Woodham in the parish of Rowner, a living history village in the South of England.

Thomas Hariot's Virginia

An archive edition of Thomas Hariot's A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia (1588/1590)

Various Military Documents

Samples of military documents from Elizabeth's Army, by C.G. Cruickshank, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1966.



The EnglishCivil War Society

This site links to many other sites as the ECWS is a group of regiments which seem very independent of each other.

Le Poulet Gauche

An SCA household in the Eastern U.S. trying to do living history using a tavern in 16thC. Calais as the focus. A lot of depth to this site. Currently an archive as the group has disbanded.

The Sealed Knot

One of the original reenactment societies in England.

St. Giles College

Dormant college (University of Victoria Medieval Club) in Victoria, BC. which is an affiliate of the Principality of Tir Righ (BC and N. WA) of the Kingdom of An Tir, a part of the Society for Creative Anachronism.

St. MariesCitty Militia

A reenactment society focusing on 17th Century Maryland.

TheTrading Party

Portraying traders and customers of early colonial America, particularly Virginia.

Tattershall Trayned Band

Elizabethan and early Stuart living history. Appears to be an archive currently.